Contact information for officials can be found on the Club Contacts page.
President: Phil Smith (Bradley Park GC)
Vice President: Simon Simpson (Willow Valley GC)
Competition Coordinator: Keith Skippins (Woodsome Hall GC) – hhdrga22@gmail.com
Honorary Secretary: Adrian Ashworth (Meltham GC) – hhdrgasecretary@gmail.com
Honorary Treasurer: Tony Parker (Woodsome Hall GC)
Elected Committee members:
Graham Simpson (Marsden GC)
Eddie Waring (Longley Park GC) – Day Competitions
Mel Bedford (Huddersfield GC)
Craig McMinn (Halifax West End GC) – Handicaps
Colin Bolton (Crosland Heath GC)
Honorary Vice Presidents:-
David Stubbings (Crosland Heath GC – past Secretary)
Peter Ford (Outlane GC – past Competitions Coordinator)
Barry Goldspink (Castlefields GC – past Treasurer)
Past Presidents (optional) :-
2023 – Gerald Smith – Halifax West End GC | |
2022 – Gareth Marsden – Castlefields GC | |
2021 – Jeffrey Callaghan – Halifax Bradley Hall GC | |
2020 – Colin Greenwood – Hebden Bridge GC | |
2019 – Iain Pearson – Dewsbury District GC | |
2017 – Adrian Ashworth – Meltham GC | |
2016 – Stuart Cooke – Queensbury GC | |
2012 – Doug Priestley – Lightcliffe GC | |
2008 – John Turner * – Crow Nest Park GC | |
1998 – Malcolm Elam – Huddersfield GC | |
* Area rep on YRGA committee
The Halifax, Huddersfield & District Rabbit Golf Association was formed on May 15th 1953.
The inaugural meeting was held at the White Hart Hotel in Huddersfield.
The clubs present were:-
Crosland Heath, Marsden, Woodsome Hall, Meltham, Elland, Huddersfield, Longley Park and Outlane.
The name of the Association shall be The Halifax, Huddersfield and District Rabbit Golf Association.
The area of the Halifax, Huddersfield and District Rabbits Golf Association shall include all it’s member clubs.
The Objects of the Association shall be to :-
(a) Promote the game of golf.
(b) Stimulate and encourage the interest of the longer handicap player.
(c) Work for the benefit of the Association and Clubs.
(a) To organise and conduct social meetings and gatherings.
(b) Arrange competitions for ‘Rabbit’ members.
(c) Encourage and develop the formation of ‘Rabbit’ sections in golf clubs.
Players in all Halifax, Huddersfield & District Rabbit Golf Association Competitions must be a five, six or seven day playing male member of the golf club that they are representing and aged 18 years or older with a World Handicap Index of 14.0 or higher.
Each club shall pay an annual fee before the 31st January. The amount of which shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
Any ‘Rabbit’ Section may become a member of the Association provided they are approved by the Association Committee (the requirement that their parent club had to be a member of the Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs was formally removed by a resolution on 6.1.2020).
The Officers and Committee shall consist of :-
(a) A President who shall be nominated annually from the club whose name was top of the list.
(b) A Vice-President who shall be elected annually from the club who are next in line on the Presidential list.
(c) Appointed Honorary Life Vice Presidents (by a resolution at the AGM on 6.1.2020).
(d) A honorary Secretary………elected annually
(e) A treasurer……….elected annually
(e) Three Committee members, one of whom shall retire annually. Nominations to fill the vacancy shall be received by the Hon. Secretary fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(f) Past Presidents
(g) Competition Coordinator, who shall be an ex-officio member
(h) A quorum of any Association committee meeting or its sub-committee should consist of not less than six members.
(a) The committee may nominate and co-opt other persons who will undertake active work for the general benefit of the Association. Any casual vacancies amongst the officers may be filled by other members of the committee, but every person so chosen shall retain the office only so long as the vacating member would have done if no vacancy had occurred.
(b) The Hon Treasurer and the Hon Secretary shall retire at the AGM but each shall be eligible for re-election.
(c) At least seven days notice shall be given to officers and members of the committee of forthcoming committee meetings.
(a) An Annual General Meeting of the Association must be held in January or February of the following year to receive the report of the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer’s balance Sheet to the end of the previous year.
(b) The meeting shall be attended by two delegates from each club and the Officers of the Association.
(c) It shall confirm the recommendations for President and Vice-President. It shall elect a Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer and three members. It shall transact any other ordinary business of the Association. The elections should be by a ballot. If Nominations do not exceed the number required then elections may be by show of hands.
(d) The President of the Association, or in his absence the immediate past president, shall preside as chairman. If both these officers are absent a past President shall preside.
(e) All resolutions or amendments should be in writing and require fourteen (14) days notice. Such propositions and/or amendments shall be determined by a majority of the votes by the delegates present and no delegate shall have more than one vote. In the event of an equity of votes recorded, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
(f) At least 14 days notice shall be given of every Annual General Meeting.
If the Association shall be wound up, the assets remaining after payments of all debts shall be distributed equally amongst the affiliated clubs at that particular time.
Presidents of the HHDRGA | ||
2028 | Huddersfield GC | |
2027 | Crow Nest Park GC | |
2026 | Willow Valley GC | |
2025 | Phil Smith | Bradley Park GC |
2024 | John Coupe | Ryburn GC |
2023 | Gerald Smith | West End GC |
2022 | Gareth Marsden | Castlefields GC |
2021 | Jeff Callaghan | Bradley Hall GC |
2020 | Colin Greenwood | Hebden Bridge GC |
2019 | Iain Pearson | Dewsbury GC |
2018 | Alan Harper | Marsden GC |
2017 | Adrian Ashworth | Meltham GC |
2016 | Stuart Cooke | Queensbury GC |
2015 | Richard Neale | Woodsome Hall GC |
2014 | Stephen Shaw | Longley Park GC |
2013 | David Harrison | Halifax Ogden GC |
2012 | Doug Priestley | Lightcliffe GC |
2011 | Alvan Linley | Crosland Heath GC |
2010 | Chris Ibbotson | Elland GC |
2009 | Malcolm Turner | Outlane GC |
2008 | John Turner | Crow Nest Park |
2007 | Tony Taylor | Saddleworth GC |
2006 | Gordon Buchan | Huddersfield GC |
2005 | Barry Isles | Bradley Park GC |
2004 | Mike Hannaby | West End GC |
2003 | Danny Dickinson | Bradley Hall GC |
2002 | George Arnison* | Dewsbury District GC |
2001 | Eric Singleton | Ryburn GC |
2000 | Robert Grierson | Hebden Bridge GC |
1999 | Jack McGrath | Meltham GC |
1998 | Malcolm Elam* | Castlefields GC |
1997 | Derek Francis* | Marsden GC |
1996 | Norman Addy | Crosland Heath GC |
1995 | M Fox | Queensbury GC |
1994 | P Bottomley | Halifax Ogden GC |
1993 | R Ward | Todmorden GC |
1992 | John Brash | Longley Park GC |
1991 | Donald Wilson* | Lightcliffe GC |
1990 | John Daniel | Outlane GC |
1989 | W Ludlam | West End GC |
1988 | Sam Smith | Huddersfield GC |
1987 | S Smith | Bradley Hall GC |
1986 | R Haigh | Dewsbury District GC |
1985 | B Longbottom | Ryburn GC |
1984 | Brian Hinton* | Woodsome Hall GC |
1983 | Brian Hinton | Meltham GC |
1982 | P Lomas | Hebden Bridge GC |
1981 | D Fryer* | Marsden GC |
1980 | J Moore | Queensbury GC |
1979 | F Whiteley | Crosland Heath GC |
1978 | W R Heap | Halifax Ogden GC |
1977 | W E Holmes* | Longley Park GC |
1976 | J Gilboy | Lightcliffe GC |
1975 | G Blackburn | Elland GC |
1973/74 | F Brown* | Outlane GC |
1971/72 | R T Morley* | Bradley Hall GC |
1968/70 | H Mellor | Marsden GC |
1966/67 | W Taylor | West End GC |
1964/65 | S Smith | Meltham GC |
1962/63 | L Firth* | Ryburn GC |
1960/61 | K M Dyson | Huddersfield GC |
1959 | T L Asquith | Bradley Hall GC |
1958 | E W Carter* | Crosland Heath GC |
1957 | J Halliwell | Ryburn GC |
1956 | Dr T Lucas | Woodsome Hall GC |
1955 | E Hennessey | West End GC |
1953/54 | G A Wood | Crosland Heath GC |
*Has also held post of Yorkshire Rabbits Golf Association (YRGA) President